- ****NEW Refund Policy: No refunds, partial or otherwise, will be issued.
- You must have your Yellowstone National Park pass with you at packet pick up. ALL REGISTRATIONS ARE INDIVIDUAL REGISTRATIONS. NO TEAM REGISTRATIONS ACCEPTED.
The West Yellowstone Old Faithful Cycle Tour is a terrific way to wind down a summer of riding and a unique way to experience Yellowstone National Park. Fall is a gorgeous time to be in Yellowstone, the elk are bugling, the aspens have turned to gold, and the thermal areas are relatively free of crowds. The supported ride is sixty miles round trip, with options available for one way travel. Cyclists in the tour can take advantage of two feed stations, three sag wagons, on-course bike mechanics, and end the day with a group meal. The tour is limited by the National Park Service to 350 riders.
Again this year, proceeds from the ride will be donated to the Yellowstone Park Foundation, the Reid Sanders Memorial Fund, and other local non-profits such as Community Health Partners, and local school groups. $1,500 was donated on behalf of riders in the 2016 Cycle Tour.
Families, small groups, and recreational riders are encouraged to participate. Check out the West Yellowstone Chamber's Specials Page or for lodging and activity discounts. If you are traveling by air, check out the West Yellowstone Airport. Come enjoy the finest season that Yellowstone Park has to offer and ride in the West Yellowstone Old Faitfhul Cycle Tour.